This distinguished pre-college summer scientific program (co-sponsored by MIT, the University of Colorado Boulder (shown), Caltech, and the New Mexico Institute of Technology) allows students to immerse themselves in a primary research topic in astrophysics or biochemistry. Teams in the astrophysics program use astronomical patterns to calculate the trajectory of a near-Earth asteroid, while teams in the biochemistry program create a tiny chemical that can suppress an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen.
The Summer Science Program immerses youth in exciting and stimulating hands-on experimental science. Over the course of 39 days, 36 participants and 7 teachers build a supportive “living and learning community” by working in teams of three. Each team completes a genuine research project that includes collecting and evaluating original data. Following that, students join a global network of over 2,500 alumni of all ages. We ran six programs in 2022 (dates and places for 2023 will be revealed in December):
SSP is accessible to current high school juniors (and a few very excellent sophomores) who have passed the prerequisites by the summer and will be at least 15 years old but not quite 19.
Where: Colorado, New Mexico, or Indiana
How Long: Six weeks
Specific Subjects: Astrophysics, Biochemistry
How Much: $6,950 (includes tuition, transportation to the program, room & board, and supplies). Thanks to generous donations, last year every participant was able to attend the program for free.