ArtsBridge is the one multi-disciplinary consultancy designed just for talented students and performers who excel and envision future career and educational journeys in the visual and performing arts. ArtsBridge consultants work with both high school and college transfer students to identify and navigate the unique arts-focused college application and audition process for visual and performing arts schools, which differs vastly from the solely academic university application process.
ArtsBridge services include:
- College coaching for arts students
- Individual artistic evaluations
- Repertoire evaluations
- College audition workshops
- Assistance choosing a best-fit arts college
- Admissions advice
- Mentorship
ArtsBridge students span diverse arts-related disciplines, from music to dance, theater, ballet, visual arts, and more.
ArtsBridge also offers:
- Assistance identifying and applying to arts-focused secondary schools, college, and conservatories
- Assistance applying to and auditioning for performing arts companies
- Specialized workshops and summer programs
- Essay, testing, and portfolio preparation tools
- Works with conservatories and performing arts companies to help them maximize talent, develop programs, and build new repertories